Working on sculpture, installation and projects in public space, national and international exhibitions and art education.
2024 Quest 1 year abroad, Eastern Thailand and South India, documentation of fragile conditions and working on a new breath project
since 2012 Arts Teacher at Professional High School Anna-Siemsen-Schule, Hanover, Germany
2021 Certificate as a Mindfulness Teacher (MTTC Mindfulness Teacher Training Course by Christopher Tittmus/Vipassana)
2003-2005 Visiting Professorship at University of Kassel, Faculty of Architecture, Urban and Landscape Planning, Art and Design Institute
1996-2001 Assistant Professor at University of Hanover, Faculty of Architecture, Art Institute
1992 Scholarship at Muchina-Academy for Art and Design, St. Petersburg, Russia, Research Trip to Usbekistan
1995 Master Scholar for Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts Kassel
1989-1994 Studies for Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts Kassel
1988-1989 Development and Head of the Ceramics Studio at SOLWODI-Center (Solidarity With Women In Distress) in Mombasa/Kenya
1985-1988 Apprenticeship as a Ceramist (Journeyman's Certificate), Mariabrunn, Bavaria, Germany
1985-1988 Training in Drawing and Lithography, D. P. Druck- und Publikations GmBH, Prof. Karl Imhof, Munich
2024, The Jamun Bangalore, India, 2022 Programme NEUSTART KULTUR, Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, Government of Germany, 2015 Embajada de la Republica Federal de Alemania, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2002 and 2007 Working Residency Grant of Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur, Government of Lower Saxony, different Project Funding by the Cultural Office of the State Capital Hanover, Grant of Heitland-Foundation, Celle, 'Kulturagenten für kreative Schulen', Kulturstiftung des Bundes, Government of Germany, 2006 Future Award from PwC-Foundation for Art Education Project ´Mobiles Atelier – Art Projects for Children´, 2011 Nomination by the Robert Bosch Foundation for the "Die Verantwortlichen/Those Responsible" campaign, 3rd prize Award „KulturKometen“, Stiftung Kulturregion Hannover , 2013 Nominated for „Kinder zum Olymp! Schulen kooperieren mit Kultur“
2022 ROOMS TO LET // Chapter Seven/ hotel volatile evrop´a // with Scope Bln, Berlin, Germany, P
2021 do-ing non do-ing or a mysterious area where there is nothing to do — Autumn Exhibition, Kunstverein Hannover, Germany
2020 ROOMS TO LET // Chapter Six / evrop´a // research with M. Poehling, P
2019 ROOMS TO LET // Chapter Five — Hotel Schwarzer Bär, Hanover and Projektraum ad/ad, Hanover, Germany, with G. Bayartsetseg und
M. Poehling, P
ART CARS / Cooperation with Sprengel Museum, Hanover
2019 ROOMS TO LET // Chapter Four — Leonardo Hotel, Langenhagen, in Cooperation with Kunstverein Langenhagen, Germany, with M. Poehling, P
2019 ROOMS TO LET // Chapter Three — 88 House Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan, E with M. Poehling, P
2018 ROOMS TO LET // Chapter Two — Arena Suites, Hannover, Autumn Exhibition, Kunstverein Hannover, Hanover, Germany E with M. Poehling, P
2018 ROOMS TO LET // Chapter One — Travel Mongolian Guesthouse, Ulaanbataar, Mongolia, E with M. Poehling, P
2017 ROOMS TO LET // Prologue — Galerie „Vom Zufall und vom Glück, Hanover, Germany, E with M. Poehling, P
2017 THE STATE OF STILLNESS — Salon Salder, Salzgitter, Germany, G/P
2016 ROOMS ART, International Academy of Art, Ramallah, Palestine, G/P
2016 GÄNGIGE PRAXIS — HausundGrundgenug, Hanover, Germany, G/P
2015 BOSQUEJAR ESBOZAR PROYECTAR — Quimera del Arte, Buenos Aires, Argentina, G/P
2015 details from distance – Gallery °ESPACIO KAMM°, Buenos Aires, Argentina, E/P
2014 dialog חיש – Artists from Israel and Germany, Municipal Art Gallery KUBUS, Hanover, Germany, G/P
2012 PEOPLE WHO WORK NEARBY, Atelierhaus Hanover, Germany, G/P
BELIEVE, Neue Kunst in alten Gärten, Lenthe, Germany, G/P
2012 JETLAG, Chinese-German joint ventures in the field of tension global developments, with Weng Fen, Yu Gao, Yuan Gong, Liu Guangyun, Cai Jin, Xiang Liqing, Du Lizhi, Hua Qing, Zhang Qing, Li Xiaofei, on Fair Hanover, Germany, G/P
2009 MIND THE PARK, processual Art Project, Municipal Art Gallery KUBUS /public Space/ Office of the State Capital Hanover, Fachbereich Umwelt und Stadtgrün, G/P
2009 MOTH MOTION, Public Space, Underpass Schwarzwaldstraße, Karlsruhe, 1. place in architect competition with netzwerkarchitekten, Darmstadt, Kunst am Bau, E
2009 PAST AND PRESENT, Public Space, temporary Interventions, Oia/Phira/Parekia, Greece, E
2006 Heimspiel, Kunstverein Hanover, Germany, G/P
2006 sugg*, Project for 6 Showcases, Intervention in public space, Andreaestraße, Hanover, Germany, E/P
2006 drop scene, Allgemeiner Konsumverein Braunschweig, Germany, E/P
2005 Property/Grundstück – a proper intervention/eine saubere Intervention, Intervention in public space, fuel station, Schulenburger Landstraße, Hanover, Germany, E/P
2005 multitasker, is:art, is:energy-sky scraper, Hanover, Germany, G/K
2003 Pleura, Intervention in public space, WC Alexanderplatz, Berlin, Germany E/P
2001 samesame, Intervention im öffentlichen Raum, Interfood-Vitrine, Mehrwert e.V., Aachen, Germany E/P
2000 SoapSpace, Installation auf der EXPO 2000 Hannover, cooperation with ff-architekten, Berlin, Germany , Video
1999 The real place/Der eigentliche Ort, Intervention in public space, Posttunnel, Hanover, Germany , E/P
1998 Soft Elements with a drive to violence, Intervention in public space, Hanover, Germany E/P
1996 Individuais – Simultaneas, Centro Cultural, São Paulo, Brasil, G/P
P: Publikation
G: Group exhibition
E: Single exhibition